
New Baraka – Building a Home with 30,000 People

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“New Baraka” is the vision that the residents of the slum Baraka in Dakar, Senegal, have developed for the future of the urban area they live in. They intend to build houses and schools, buy learning material and cultivate private vegetable and fruit gardens. The aim is to collect the required financial means via the New Baraka website, a donation portal initiated by the YOU Foundation, with the goal of aiding the inhabitants to help themselves. In order to tell the story of Baraka and motivate visitors of the website to donate, the design boldly does without the use of typical pictures of slums. Instead it features vivid illustrations of the vision by the inhabitants and thus manages to convey the positive energy of the project and all people involved. For the donation shop, the vision was broken down into the smallest, affordable items. This allows potential donators to decide for themselves which acquisition and investment they want to support.

Begründung der Jury

This website masters the challenge of motivating people to donate in an impressive manner by evoking positive feelings through storytelling and vivid, emotionally appealing images. It tells of the inhabitants’ vision and dream and offers visitors an easy way to contribute to making this dream come true.

Red Dot: Best of the Best

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